Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The outcome from teamwork...

`We have completed our mega million dollars project from commitment of all'


`Kami akan membina benteng bagi mengukuhkan kedudukan organisasi'


`Kami tetap lakukan apa sahaja untuk organisasi asalkan organisasi maju ke hadapan'

Operasi menyelamat..

`Kami sentiasa bersama dan tidak sekali-kali meninggalkan rakan sepasukan di belakang'

Move fast...

`We need to move fast otherwise others will overtake us'

They are blind....

`Do not expect they know should guide them and train them. Then, they will perform well'

Listening And Communication Problem..?

`How difficult it is, if you can't convey your message to the people that you are talking with and what about if they disobey your instruction?'